2017 State of Consumer Telehealth: Insights from Hospital Executives

Tuesday, May 15, 2018 |12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

Join us for this exciting webinar to hear insights from hospital executives garnered from the 2017 State of Consumer Telehealth Benchmark Survey by Teladoc.

During this webinar, Teladoc will share results from its second annual Consumer Telehealth Survey, covering the latest data and trends from U.S. hospital and health system executives on the current consumer telehealth landscape. In addition, hear top challenges and success factors and learn where hospitals see the greatest opportunities for growth in virtual care delivery.  

Registrants will learn:

  • How hospitals are capitalizing on consumer-facing aspects of telehealth
  • Key drivers and organizational goals for implementing consumer telehealth
  • Current and planned populations served for consumer telehealth programs
  • Common challenges and what to consider when choosing a telehealth partner

