Cut your hidden shipping costs: Quick ways to improve your bottom line
Thursday, January 21, 2016 | 1:00PM - 2:00PM CST
Ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are under constant pressure to reduce spend on their supply costs. Many suppliers have reached a breaking point on product cost reductions. But there are other ways to save annually.
One of the most commonly overlooked expenditures in a surgery center is shipping costs -- which equal about 3 to 5 percent1 of an ASC’s supply spend. Freight fees have become a profit center for many medical product suppliers. Direct shipments, especially overnight deliveries, often come at a hefty freight expense that’s typically higher than the market average. ASCs that aren’t currently managing their freight are missing out on 30 to 50%2 savings -- with no change to delivery timing.
Freight management is an easy way to drive down shipping costs without impacting patient quality. Join us, so you can better understand how to:
1. Explain the ins/outs of freight management
2. Calculate the amount of savings you could be saving on shipping
3. Identify a strong freight management program