Hardwiring Hospital-Wide Flow to Drive Competitive Performance
July 9th, 2015 | 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT
This webinar will explore advances in care coordination, ACOs, clinically integrated networks, patient-centered medical homes, and redesign of care processes for enhanced population health improvement, including leadership and team-based strategies to transform the organization for more integrated care delivery and greater accountability for quality and cost.
In this session innovative strategies and tools to hardwire flow throughout and across hospital systems will be conveyed and discussed, with a “flow toolkit” presented. Core strategies which reliably and consistently produce flow will be demonstrated, including:
1. Demand-capacity management,
2. Forecasting demand,
3. Real-time monitoring of flow data,
4. Queuing theory,
5. Managing variation,
6. Eliminating bottlenecks and constraints, and
7. Flow as a complex adaptive system.
Tried-and-true lessons in flow from other industries will also be highlighted.
A substantial, but hidden, competitive advantage for hospitals and healthcare systems that are successful at hardwiring flow lies in the recruitment and retention of employees.