Virtual Innovation Summit

June 2017 Discoveries

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The Virtual Innovation Summit took place from June 6 - June 8, 2017. The summit was a 3-day virtual event focusing on innovation strategies through the power of delivery through customized care anywhere and highlighted solutions to the real life challenges that hospitals and health delivery organizations face daily.
To view the content discussed during the summit, please fill out the form. 

June 6, 2017 / Day 1: Empowering Clinical Care Delivery

Learning Points:  
  • Understand the importance of aligning technology and care delivery solutions with physician / clinical demand to support a positive patient experience and improved outcomes
  • Gain a current picture of the challenges faced in clinical care delivery and how innovations in technology help answer the call
  • See a firsthand case study describing how Jupiter Medical Center IT enables / powers clinical care delivery from admissions to discharge

June 7, 2017 / Day 2: Protecting Patient ID and Data Access Across the Continuum of Care

Learning Points:
  • Achieve a better understanding of the cost, safety and quality issues arising from medical identity theft and risk exposure from compromised patient data
  • Hear from experts on best practices and real-world solutions to minimize threats to patient ID / data in a value-based care delivery model
  • Learn from healthcare organizations implementing a unique universal patient identifier to improve data quality and minimize financial risk

June 8, 2017 / Day 3: Innovations in Virtual Care Delivery - The Future is Now

Learning Points:

  • Gain a future / visionary look at the evolution of virtual care which is driven by trends such as the aging population, rise of chronic disease and the cost-efficiencies of treating / monitoring patients in their homes and beyond the 4-walls of the hospital
  • Understand new IT innovations that will play a role in virtual care such as end-point devices, and technology to support collaboration among virtual care teams
  • Hear from industry visionaries discussing the growing role of IoT in virtual care delivery