State of Consumer Telehealth: A comparison of telehealth adopters, planners & nonadopters

The continued need for remote healthcare services across almost every area of care has resulted in the widespread adoption of varied telehealth offerings in recent years and most recently, an influx of consumer telehealth offerings.

Teladoc's second annual State of Consumer Telehealth Benchmark Survey, in partnership with Becker's Healthcare, assessed healthcare executives and key consumer telehealth stakeholders on experiences with telehealth and plans for future adoption. Respondents included for-profit and nonprofit organizations representing acute, academic and community hospitals and provider groups nationwide. The survey results provide a detailed look at executive perceptions of telehealth services and possible adoption trends to come in the next two years.  

Download this e-book for insights on:

  • Shifting utilization strategies among adopters
  • Preferred staffing models among new and experienced adopters
  • Barriers to consumer telehealth adoption
  • Keys to consumer telehealth program success


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