The Top 10 Questions Physicians Ask about Telehealth

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CDT

Did you know that 65% of consumers want to use telehealth?

Telehealth, however, is a two-sided system that requires the same amount of interest from physicians. And while 57% of physicians are willing to see patients over video, they still have questions and concerns about telehealth and how to get started.

Dr. Peter Antall, Chief Medical Officer of American Well, constantly hears questions from physicians about getting started with telehealth.  In this webinar, he will answer the top 10 questions on the minds of physicians considering telehealth. Questions like:

  • How will I get reimbursed?
  • What is the malpractice risk?
  • Is telehealth legal/permissible in my state?
  • What are the different use cases for telehealth?
  • How can I integrate it into my existing workflow?
  • How can accurately treat patients over video?

Register today to get these questions—and more—answered by a physician with extensive telehealth experience.

