10 top healthcare staffing challenges — and how to solve them

More than 30 percent of hospitals are reporting that they can't locate enough candidates to fill open positions, and all are feeling the effects of staffing shortages.

Beyond recruiting, retention is even more difficult with the increase in turnover and employee burnout. Healthcare workers are grappling with high levels of fear, fatigue and stress amid the pandemic, with widespread burnout fueling turnover as employees seek positions with fewer stressors.

By building a community and embracing a more human-centered approach, your organization can recruit and retain top talent, and put your people first. Download this guide for 10 tips on recruiting and hiring employees, addressing staff burnout and retaining top talent in your healthcare organization, including:

  • How to give your staff the opportunity to be part of something bigger than themselves when working for your organization.
  • The value of frequent and transparent communication in helping staff feel valued, protecting them from anxiety and burnout.
  • Tips for how to equip managers to be there when employees need to talk.
  • The importance of having one platform or app where employees can access vital information and connect with other employees.

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