Virtual Health IT Summit

November 6th - 8th, 2018

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Join the Becker’s Virtual Health IT Summit for a 3-day online conference focused on the trends, topics and technologies that empower physicians, clinicians and patients to experience better care. During this summit, healthcare organizations will hear from industry leaders and learn innovative strategies, solutions and best practices related to patient experience, care collaboration, EHRs and future care delivery.

November 6th, 2018 / Day 1: Elevating the Patient Experience

Discover how IT solutions play a key role in elevating patient engagement and bolstering the patient experience in today’s consumer-driven care landscape, with a focus on both in-hospital and virtual care initiatives.

Learning Points:  

  • Identify the challenges faced by healthcare organizations as they deploy technology to help elevate patient engagement during in-hospital/clinic experiences, as well as how to improve experiences during virtual health or telehealth visits
  • Understand the importance of having IT support health delivery organizations as they work to bolster quality measures and improve the patient experience before, during and after an inpatient stay or outpatient procedure
  • Hear firsthand accounts from leading healthcare IT experts about how to blend systems and leverage technology to improve patient experiences, patient engagement and care outcomes

November 7th, 2018 / Day 2: Advances in Care Collaboration for Improved Outcomes

Explore best practices for improving clinical workflow productivity, achieving reliable and secure clinical experiences, and engaging care teams in remote patient care.

Learning Points:

  • Understand the current care collaboration challenges today’s healthcare organizations face
  • Discover the latest IT advances in care collaboration and their impact on care delivery
  • Learn about the role of VDI in care collaboration, and how hospitals embrace this technology to achieve cost and care efficiencies

November 8th, 2018 / Day 3: Evolution of Systems to Support Innovation in Health Services Delivery

Join us this day as we build on insights related to IT considerations for improving the patient experience and care collaboration, and we examine how IT infrastructures and systems must evolve to support innovation in health services delivery.

Learning Points:

  • Understand how systems can integrate with emerging technologies such as AI to improve patient engagement.
  • Get a firsthand view of how healthcare organizations are leveraging technology to advance health services delivery
  • Learn the system and IT infrastructure considerations needed for a strategic, facility-wide approach to the implementation of a virtual care initiative

During the Summit, you will receive a daily email with links to on-demand activities. And join us each day for our live webinar at 1:00 p.m. CT.