It's time to bring tuberculosis testing into the 21st century

The 100-year-old Mantoux tuberculin skin test requires two office visits and a highly trained eye from the physician to make a diagnosis. Human error is inevitable, and it's common for patients to miss their second appointment, wasting office time and sending them back to square one. 

For nearly 20 years, the Interferon Gamma Release Assay — a simple blood test — has offered a more efficient, more accurate alternative, yet 3 out of 4 healthcare providers default to the century old method. In this white paper, Quest Diagnostics will explore the facts and debunk the myths and misconceptions that have surrounded IGRAs since their inception. 

Key learning points:
  • How IGRA blood tests use the latest field-proven medical technologies to yield a conclusive result 97 percent of the time
  • How the IGRA saves patients and physicians time and stress
  • Why the IGRA is ultimately the most cost-effective choice

Please fill out the form to download the whitepaper. 


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