Top opportunities to mitigate burnout: Key insights from 12,500 physicians
Incremental strides have been made in combating physician burnout over the past few years. Still, the issue continues to cost the nation's healthcare system billions of dollars annually, with 36% of physicians planning to leave their organization within two years.
Last year, nearly 13,000 physicians participated in the American Medical Association's Organizational Well-Being Survey. Their responses reveal key opportunities for health system leaders to align their well-being initiatives with physicians' actual needs. This two-page report gives leaders a breakdown of the current state of physician well-being and offers insights to guide burnout prevention strategies.
Key learning points:
Last year, nearly 13,000 physicians participated in the American Medical Association's Organizational Well-Being Survey. Their responses reveal key opportunities for health system leaders to align their well-being initiatives with physicians' actual needs. This two-page report gives leaders a breakdown of the current state of physician well-being and offers insights to guide burnout prevention strategies.
Key learning points:
- The latest data on physician burnout, job satisfaction, job stress and retention
- Data-driven areas of focus to mitigate burnout and craft a strategy for long-term success
- Resources to support health systems in putting physicians' insights into action
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