Continuous Clinical Surveillance: A Real-Time Solution for Comprehensive Patient Safety
Source: Bernoulli Health


Key advancements in real-time healthcare and advanced data analysis present a significant opportunity for health systems to push patient safety initiatives into the realm of proactive healthcare.

A new Bernoulli Health white paperContinuous Clinical Surveillance: A Real-Time Solution for Comprehensive Patient Safety leverages peer-reviewed research, literature reviews, market analysis and use-cases to demonstrate how broader utilization of continuous clinical surveillance can help clinical teams proactively anticipate the early signs of opioid-induced respiratory depression, sepsis, unplanned extubation and other costly hospital-acquired conditions by capturing an evolving portrait of a patient’s condition in real-time.

Key learning points include:

  • How continuous clinical surveillance works and is distinct from patient monitoring
  • The multi-dimensional benefits of real-time patient safety in the areas of early intervention, length of stay, alarm fatigue and clinical decision support
  • The foundational role EHRs play in how hospitals innovate with continuous clinical surveillance


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