5 best practices for effective denials prevention

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT

Rising rates of clinical and technical denials pose significant challenges for healthcare financial leaders, including payment delays, increased labor or vendor costs to appeal denials, and elevated write offs. To overcome these obstacles, health systems must implement a more proactive denials management strategy that offers root cause solutions. 

In this webinar, participants will learn effective strategies to prevent denials and best practices to overturn clinical and technical disputes. This will include a deep dive into common success factors.

Learning points:
  • The current denials landscape
  • 5 top opportunities to prevent denials
  • 5 strategies for effective denials management
  • The benefits of automated denial processes


Kyle McElroy - Daniel Gest

Kyle McElroy, MS-HSA, RHIA

VP, Clinical Operations 
Conifer Health Solutions


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