How revenue cycle and IT teams are bettering patients' financial future together

Thursday, April 20th, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT 

More revenue cycle teams are leaning into digital transformation and incorporating digital services into their patient billing and payment processes. Now, revenue cycles must work with information technology to chart a course together around patient financial experience. 

This discussion will examine insights from a survey of more than 200 healthcare IT leaders about their evolving role, the influence they have on improving the patient's financial experience, and the technology and personnel challenges they are facing in their expanding positions.

Key learnings:
  • The shared vision revenue cycle and IT teams have around the patient's financial future
  • How these teams are collaborating around shared goals
  • How IT and revenue cycle work together to evaluate the effect of new technologies such as predictive analytics and automation.
  • How these teams deal with challenges including payment security and staffing concerns


John Talaga - Daniel Gest

John Talaga

EVP & GM, Flywire

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Becky Cloud-Glaab

Executive Director, Revenue Cycle, UC Irvine Healthcare

Michelle headshot (003)

Michelle Stansbury

Vice President, Innovation and IT Applications, Houston Methodist

Amy Graham

Amy Graham

Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, FirstHealth of the Carolinas

James Lee

James D. Lee Jr.

Director, Revenue Cycle, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles


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