The 3 steps to fix your denials issue + strengthen patient access

This webinar is on-demand and can be viewed at your convenience.

Denials rates are up, and healthcare leaders across the C-suite are concerned. Not only do inordinate denials compromise the bottom line — they also pose serious access and financial barriers to patients. And, if patient claims are consistently denied when they shouldn't be, both patients and staff get frustrated.

The good news: There are ways to mitigate the impact of denials, and this on-demand webinar will show you how in three steps. 

This session will break down:  
  • Automating processes from front to back with machine learning and artificial intelligence 
  • Uncovering root causes to prevent write-offs across all channels 
  • Creating a smarter follow-up process that focuses on triage and prioritization





Christine Fontaine Circle

Christine Fontaine

Solution Strategist