Beyond the beeps: How Yale New Haven Hospital mastered alarm management

Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT

Hospital physicians and nurses are well-versed at coordinating and delivering care during high-stress situations. However, hospitals must still take every possible measure to avoid adding unnecessary stress to clinicians' already full workloads. 

One main stressor is excessive false alarms from hospital equipment, which create unnecessary clinical interruptions and can lead to missed alarms or delayed response times. 

This webinar explores how proper education on alarm parameters and a customizable alarm management platform helped Yale New Haven (Conn.) Hospital achieve significant patient monitoring improvements, including reduced alarm fatigue and fewer adverse events.

Key learnings:
  • How Yale decreased alarm volume, ensuring a more focused patient monitoring workflow
  • Best practices for alarm parameter changes and system education
  • The patient care improvements Yale achieved, including fewer serious patient events




Laurie Devin - Yale -  headshot - Sydney Mason Cropped

Laurie Devin, MSN, MBA, RN, CNML

Medicine Coordinator, Yale-New Haven Hospital

Ryan Bush - headshot - Sydney Mason

Ryan Bush, MSN, RN-BC

Director of Clinical Consulting, TigerConnect


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