How OHSU is alleviating OR staffing challenges

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CT

Health systems face daunting challenges in matching the supply of operating room staff to the unpredictable demands of surgery schedules. The planning process, often reactive and time-consuming, lacks the proactive approach necessary to improve clinical efficiency and patient outcomes. 

Join us to see how Portland-based Oregon Health & Science University uses strategic staffing insights and automated workflows to optimize staff planning and transform OR staffing practices. Discover actionable strategies to:
  • Enhance efficiency
  • Improve resource allocation
  • Empower nurse leaders to navigate OR staffing with confidence and foresight


OR Case Study_Dio Sumagaysay_OHSU - Carly Xagas

Dio Sumagaysay, RN, MS

Vice President, Perioperative & Multi-specialty Procedural Services, OHSU

OR Case Study_Stacey Leadbeater_LeanTaaS - Carly Xagas

Stacey Leadbeater

Senior Product Manager, LeanTaaS