Streamlining operations, tech: Where CIOs & clinicians align

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CT

Amid staffing and resource strain, hospitals and health systems are seeking any and all opportunities to streamline processes and systems for providers and patients alike. But too often, new tech creates more frustration, not less. 

Solving this and ensuring value is actually realized from technology transformation requires the right alignment between clinicians and CIOs. Leaders from Charlotte, N.C.-based Atrium Health and symplr will talk through this and share practical insights on how organizations can redirect clinician time back to patient care during this webinar. 

Learning points: 
  • Assess what tech investments are seen as having the biggest impact on healthcare providers' efficiency. 
  • Understand how healthcare operations technology is a catalyst for change and can give clinicians more time to focus on patient care.
  • Learn differences between CIOs and clinical leaders' perspectives and how to bridge the gap through communication and collaboration.




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Senior Vice President, Enterprise Nursing Operations, Education and Professional Development, Atrium Health

KarleneKerfoot-headshot - Laura Zuba

Karlene Kerfoot

Chief Nursing Officer, symplr


kristin-russel-headshot-square - Laura Zuba

Kristin Russel

Chief Marketing Officer, symplr


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