New survey identifies drivers of clinician burnout, ways to use technology improve satisfaction

Every day we hear about high and persistent levels of clinician burnout. But what are the facts? How high is burnout? What are the drivers? What can be done to address it?

Becker’s Hospital Review recently collaborated with Zoom to survey 255 healthcare workers. Respondents were asked about their current level of burnout (teaser: it remains exceedingly high) as well as their use of telehealth technology and applications of video communication technology other than telehealth.

Download this two-page survey summary to discover:

• Current levels of burnout
• Top factors driving burnout (many are controllable)
• Use of and satisfaction with telehealth
• Applications of video communication other than telehealth
• Ways that communication technologies can improve employee satisfaction

This survey identifies actionable ways that video and other communications
technologies can help improve employee satisfaction, reduce burnout and boost productivity.

Please fill out the form to download the e-book.


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