How hospitals nationwide are transforming pharmacy performance

Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT

How hospitals nationwide are transforming pharmacy performance

Pharmacies play a key role in helping hospitals and health systems improve operational results, clinical quality and patient outcomes.

To help with this mission, healthcare organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of leveraging the resources, skills and expertise from an outside pharmacy partner. This partner can implement best practices and upgraded pharmacy capabilities to transform how an entire facility operates, produce strong financial results and improve experiences for caregivers, staff, and patients.

In this webinar, industry experts will review case studies exploring the value delivered by these partnerships at various managed sites across the country.



Bono, Dave _ Circle _ 1-01

David Bono

Senior Vice President, Comprehensive Pharmacy Services

Marchionda, Katie_ Circle _ 1-01

Katie Marchionda, PharmD, BCPS

Senior Vice President, Clinical Services, Comprehensive Pharmacy Services

Owcarz, Patrick _ Circle _ 1-01

Patrick Owcarz, PharmD

Senior Vice President, Pharmacy Services, Comprehensive Pharmacy Services

Smith, John _ Circle _ 1-01

John Smith, PharmD, R.Ph.

Senior Vice President, Clinical Services, Comprehensive Pharmacy Services