How nursing leadership can effectively lead new pressure injury prevention strategies

Wednesday, July 13th, 2022 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CT

The agendas for already overburdened healthcare staff are growing. Amid growing to-do lists and workforce shortages, keeping up with on-time patient turning may inadvertently slip, leading to a rise in pressure wounds.
With treatment for hospital-acquired pressure injuries already costing U.S. hospitals nearly $10 billion per year, healthcare can't afford to see any more slips in this area. Join this session where Robin Gasparini, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, Nursing Executive Advisor and Enterprise Experience Nursing Liaison at Mayo Clinic, will share the latest evidence-based prevention strategies, and how to effectively leverage nursing leadership to lead these improvements.
Key learning points:
  • A look at the latest data on HAPIs and evidence-based prevention strategies
  • Opportunities to implement new strategies at your organization
  • How hospitals can tap the competencies of their nursing leaders to effectively lead local prevention programs



Robin Gasparini, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC

Nursing Executive Advisor and Enterprise Experience Nursing Liaison, Mayo Clinic