A 205-year-old health system has new ways to think about talent

Monday, December 9th, 2024 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CT

As health systems grapple with mounting pressure to address workforce shortages, some are taking matters into their own hands by building talent pipelines and workforce development programs. 

This webinar will explore the vital role that pipeline programs play in expanding the supply of healthcare talent. Craig Kent, MD, CEO of UVA Health, knows their power firsthand. The Charlottesville, Va.-based system is home to initiatives like UVA Earn While You Learn, in which full-time, benefitted employees receive structured coursework and paid on-the-job-training to take on different career paths. 

Join him in conversation with Becker's Molly Gamble where, over 60 minutes, they will discuss Dr. Kent's pipeline journey, from identifying the need for such programs to implementing, refining, measuring and expanding them. 

By the end of the webinar, attendees will have a deeper understanding of how to leverage pipeline programs to not only meet the growing demand for healthcare workers but also to create a sustainable talent pool that aligns with their organization's values and goals. 

  • Strategic vision behind pipeline programs
  • Practical steps involved in building and sustaining these programs
  • Long-term benefits of nurturing local talent, such as improved employee retention and stronger community ties.


Dr. Kent - Emma Goodman

Craig Kent, MD

CEO, UVA Health

Molly Gamble headshot - Emma Goodman-2

Molly Gamble

Vice President of Editorial, Becker's Healthcare