Human Lives & Robot Money: How to optimize your surgical procedures and maximize your bottom line
Monday, December 12, 2016 | 1:00PM - 2:00PM CST
Robotic and traditional laparoscopic techniques are reported to be comparable regarding outcomes, complications and length of hospital stay. However, many hospitals are overusing expensive robotic technology, potentially hurting their bottom line. Join Dr. Kevin Audlin as he shares his story on expanding his referral base by becoming a low-cost, high- value provider in his network through his utilization of more economical advanced technologies -- and limiting his use of the robot to the cases that really need it.
Learning points:
- Learn how your surgeons can become a low cost, high value provider
- Discover the clinical and teaching benefits of optimizing different technology, utilizing advanced lower-cost technologies in lieu of robotics
- Understand the potential impact of value-based payments in your facility
- Expand referral base from regional to national