Beyond Command Centers: How AI-based Smart Operating Systems help achieve outcomes

This webinar is on-demand and can be viewed at your convenience.

Smart Operating System is the framework to digitally rewire healthcare operations for orchestrating outcomes that matter the most.

During this webinar, participants will learn how Edgility's partner, University Hospitals in Cleveland, looks beyond command and control to orchestrate several programs, including
  • hospital at home,
  • discharge management (Discharge as a Service®) and
  • care orchestration (ERAS, Heart Failure, Care Transitions, Level of Care, and Palliative care).
  • staffing orchestration (huddle automation and staffing management)
Led by Dr. Balaji Ramadoss, Ph.D., this webinar will focus on
  • the definition of smart operations
  • the look beyond (traditional) command centers
  • insights into realizing moonshot outcomes (10% capacity without adding beds and/or operating at or better than Medicare reimbursement levels.)

Learn how Outcomes as a Service® redefines providers' relationships to technology by decanting low-value work from high-value assets.


Sam Brown - Nicole Novak

Sam Brown, MBA

Vice President of Operations and Logistics, University Hospitals, Cleveland

Dr. Balaji Ramadoss - Nicole Novak

Balaji Ramadoss Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer, Edgility, Inc.

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