Network of the Future — 6 Must Reads

The emerging technologies reshaping modern life are also reshaping healthcare. While it can be difficult to predict how exactly these technologies will effect change, industry leaders can be certain that change is coming. Technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain will alter the way individual providers deliver care and provider organizations manage data. While these technologies hold the promise of more personalized and efficient healthcare, major transitions can bring about significant challenges.

This e-book titled "Network of the Future — 6 Must Reads," comprises six articles that examine the technologies poised to reshape healthcare and offers insights for effective application of emerging solutions. For healthcare leaders looking to get ahead of the health IT knowledge curve, this is a must read.

Readers will gain insights into numerous topics, including the following:

  • The role of the internet of things in U.S. healthcare
  • How machine learning can sharpen clinical decision support
  • How providers should handle increased patient concerns surrounding privacy and security


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