Beyond the numbers: How holistic member journeys drive health plan ROI

Wednesday, September 25th, 2024 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM CT

Every health plan wants a comprehensive view of their members to ensure the best outcomes, reduce unnecessary utilization and lower costs. 

To achieve the value equation, health plans need to be able to identify at-risk members as early as possible and facilitate personalized interventions. Join industry experts for this session on how payers are taking a holistic approach to achieve critical goals, including the use of a unique platform to support better decision making. 

Key learning points:
  • Maximize value-based care models and improve member satisfaction
  • Leverage integrated data to create a 360-degree view of each member, enhancing treatment planning, care coordination and decision making
  • Align resources and optimize interventions to improve health outcomes and reduce costs


Brianna Brennan - Sarah Simon

Brianna Brennan

Chief Innovation Officer, Ontrak Health


Heather Bowersock

Care Integration Specialist, Ontrak Health