Find more billable coverage: Strategies to protect margins in unpredictable times

This webinar is on-demand and can be viewed at your convenience. 

Self-pay accounts are far more time-consuming and costly to collect on than those billed
to commercial payers. Unfortunately, they’re on the rise — but there are effective ways healthcare organizations can respond. 

Protect your margins despite unpredictable financial times with strategies shared during this expert session. 

Learning objectives: 
  • Respond to the rise in uninsured and self-pay patients by finding more billable coverage
  • Reduce write-offs by proactively discovering all available coverage, including primary, secondary and tertiary policies
  • Locate coverage retroactively for a specific date range, turning more self-pay accounts into billable claims



Dawn Lunde - McKenzie Patrick

Dawn Lunde

Senior Director, Sales Engineering, Inovalon

Travis Fawver - McKenzie Patrick

Travis Fawver

Sales Engineer, Inovalon