Geography Matters: Tailoring Recruitment Strategies to Hire and Retain the Ideal Provider

This webinar is on-demand and can be viewed at your convenience.

When it comes to physician recruiting, geography matters. There’s a specific set of traits and aspirations, both professionally and personally, that draw doctors to one location over another. Knowing what to look for can help connect the right provider with the right location, for a recruitment match that’s likely to be a long-term fit. In this webinar, PS&D CEO Rachelle Daugherty delivers key insights, based on primary research and decades of experience, on what motivates physicians to work in rural and urban settings, and how to attract and retain top-tier talent.

Learning points:

  • Learn why research suggests the provider shortage will disproportionately affect rural healthcare
  • Get effective strategies for successful, location-based physician and APC recruitment
  • Leverage insights from real-world examples to shape your provider recruitment strategy


rachelle Daugherty - Jake Rodriguez

E. Rachelle Daugherty, MPH

Chief Executive, Provider Solutions & Development
Chief Administrative Officer – Physician Enterprise, Providence