Healthcare Command Centers – A CNO’s Perspective

This webinar is on-demand and can be viewed at your convenience. 

Forward-thinking Chief Nursing Officers (CNOs) and Chief Nursing Executives (CNEs) are employing Command Centers to empower hybrid care models and innovative delivery systems. From optimizing daily workflows to virtual nursing initiatives, CNOs are at the helm of driving Command Center (CC) advancements.

While the capabilities of CCs are vast, their true efficacy emerges only when integrated into frontline operations. CNOs/CNEs are transforming Command Centers into intelligent operations centers that alleviate the frontline’s administrative burdens while harmonizing
patient care with health system outcomes.

Command Centers hold the potential to transform CNOs into strategic business leaders. By harnessing real-time data and insights, CNOs can navigate the dynamic healthcare landscape, making informed decisions that steer the organization toward sustainable growth.

Learning points:
  • Explore how CNO/CNEs collaborate with C-suite counterparts to establish strategic Command Centers.
  • Gain insight into how CNOs/CNEs advocate for and influence the implementation of intelligent Command Centers.
  • Learn about the nursing executive's expectations from a command center.





Kotler, Amanda July 2022 Headshot (1) Cropped

Amanda Kotler, MBA, BSN, RN

SVP & CNO, Asante Health

Balaji (2) Cropped

Balaji Ramadoss

CEO * President Edgility, Inc