Price transparency - clarifying the unknown

Friday, July 24th, 2020 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CT

Today's healthcare industry is presenting new challenges for providers due to the high-deductible plans that are popular with patients obtaining coverage through the state and federal marketplaces.

Patients are now faced with an increased responsibility in healthcare costs, forcing patients to "shop" a service, which creates a need for meaningful and accessible price transparency. In turn, CMS and state governments are releasing guidelines to mandate price transparency for hospitals.

Navigating these regulations and putting them into action is a growing concern as the Jan. 1, 2021 deadline approaches. This presentation focuses on putting together the pieces of these guidelines and helping hospitals create solutions to achieve price transparency through rational pricing methodologies and easy-to-use patient cost estimates.

Our presenters will break down the CMS regulations, discuss the demand for rational pricing methodologies as a major component to transparency, and demonstrate how the solution would look to the patient.



  • Describe powerful pricing strategies to resolve transparency concerns
  • Analyze the CMS Price Transparency guidelines as they are written today
  • Create actionable steps to price transparency



Ryan Ripper - McKenna Shier-1

Ryan Ripper

Software Developer, PARA HealthCare Analytics

Brantner Headshot - May 2019 - McKenna Shier

Randi Brantner

Vice President of Analytics, Healthcare Financial Resouces (HFRI)