2024 Nurse Salary and Job Satisfaction Report

The 2024 Nurse Salary and Job Satisfaction Report includes data and insights from more than 3,600 nurses nationwide. 

The report breaks down data according to demographic groups and type of licensure and reveals trends related to nurse salaries, benefits and job satisfaction. It also explores the prevalence and impact of workplace violence, as well as mental health challenges nurses face. 
Nurses also shared which of their skills they thought were underutilized by their employers and their intentions to change employers or relocate for job opportunities.

Key points
  • Salaries for RNs have increased by 2.6%, compared to the 2022 report
  • Across all licensures, nurses shared the goal of continuing their education, which for many, resulted in higher salaries
  • Workplace violence from patients, patients' family members, and even colleagues remain a pressing concern for nurses

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