3 steps to bridging the digital disconnect with your patients

Smartphone users get more than 63 notifications per day on average, and if a healthcare system isn't attuned to what a patient cares about, they will inevitably add to the digital communication noise. This leaves digital tools like EHRs and online scheduling unused and patients disengaged with their care and providers. 

The key to bridging the digital disconnect is meeting patients right where they are. To understand patients' wants and needs around communication, proven strategies and feedback directly from patients are vital.

This white paper collects strategic recommendations backed by data science, turning more than 700 million data points from 650-plus leading healthcare organizations into actionable best practices for your organization — no matter your current tech stack.

You'll learn:
  • Three concrete steps to bridging the digital disconnect and building better patient relationships 
  • How to maximize your investment in SMS and reach patients more effectively
  • How to get patients to follow through with scheduling appointments online — and showing up

Please fill out the form to download the whitepaper. 


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