Know your numbers, diversify your revenue, strengthen your competitive position — Here's how

You know your operating margin, but do you know your panel size, your number of "recently active patients" or your patient leakage rate? These numbers drive revenue and profit.

A survey from CHIME-Cerner found that nearly 40 percent of providers lose at least 10 percent of revenue to leakage, as empowered patients leave to seek innovative care options that better meet their needs.

Health systems need to evaluate their key business levers. This may lead to diversification strategies that enhance primary care service offerings, strengthen patient and physician satisfaction, improve the bottom line and create competitive advantage. 

This white paper describes key metrics healthcare leaders need to know and strategies to pursue to diversify revenue and create differentiation.

Insights include:
  • Calculating patient panel numbers and customer lifetime value 
  • Effective strategies for provider diversification and differentiation
  • Identify drivers of patient acquisition, retention and loyalty to optimize your portfolio and boost revenue

Please fill out the form to download the whitepaper. 



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