Winning the battle against care variation in oncology

Care variation is a persistent problem throughout healthcare — and reducing it is especially important in oncology, where unwanted care variation negatively affects all aspects of cancer care, including operational efficiencies, financial goals, clinician burnout and patient outcomes. 

Oncology leaders are on top of it: In a recent survey, 90 percent said they saw reducing care variation as a priority. Yet many organizations still rely on multiple manual processes to standardize care, which adds to the total cost of care and burdens clinicians and administrative staff. 

This whitepaper dives into insights from 134 oncology leaders on their priorities, strategies and views on the future and details how organizations can more easily achieve care standardization. 

You'll learn:
  • What clinical pathways leaders are already doing to reduce care variation at their cancer centers
  • How to identify and tackle sources of unwanted care variation
  • The tech solutions that can help reduce costs, improve patient outcomes and unburden staff

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