Remote pharmacy services: Getting more than you expect from an RPS partnership

Wednesday, July 20, 2016 | 12:00PM - 1:00PM CT

As pharmacy takes on an increasingly important role in system-wide clinical and strategic initiatives, and as reimbursements and patient satisfaction become top priorities, hospitals of all sizes are beginning to recognize the value of supplementing their pharmacies with remote clinical personnel. As we see this shift and additional RPS partnerships forming, there are yet still opportunities with these relationships left untapped. 

Join us to understand how you can leverage remote pharmacy services, create a lasting partnership, discover opportunities for increased performance and patient satisfaction, and identify additional benefits of using RPS. 

Attendees will be able to understand:

  • The top three things to consider when partnering with an RPS partner
  • The right questions to ask upfront and throughout the partnership to get the most from your relationship
  • The additional benefits of using RPS such as internal communication support, increased medication safety and increased nurse staffing satisfaction
  • The broader scope of RPS services including redeployment of staff, interim staff during EMR conversions and 24/7 coverage
  • How and when to use RPS short-term (one year or less) and long-term (ongoing)


Kelly Morrison, Director, Remote Pharmacy Services, Cardinal Health