Reprocessing simplified: Your guide to current sterilization practices

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CT

As the COVID-19 pandemic begins to slow down in the U.S., healthcare organizations are placing a renewed focus on infection control and prevention.

Now is the perfect opportunity to review current sterilization modalities and identify best practices aligned with terminal sterilization regarding point of use, transportation, decontamination, and preparation of reprocessing.

Join Nancy Fellows, MSN, RN, for a discussion on:
  • The difference between evidence-based practice and best-practice
  • Spaulding classification review
  • HLD versus sterilization
  • Recommendations from HICPAC
  • How to prevent transmission of microorganisms 


Nancy Fellows MSN, MPA, RN, CNOR

Nancy Fellows MSN, MPA, RN, CNOR

Senior Clinical Education Consultant