Solving 3 Complex Yet Common OR Scheduling Challenges
In the wake of COVID-19, operating room managers have faced unprecedented challenges with optimizing the OR schedule. For those still relying on manual methods such as phone calls and faxes, significant opportunity exists to make the scheduling process more efficient and improve visibility into the historically opaque OR schedule.
In this eBook, learn to streamline your OR scheduling process, optimally fill open time and increase surgeon and staff satisfaction. Additionally, explore how to address:
1. Block time left unfilled
2. Missed connections between clinics and/or facilities
3. Reallocating surgeon' block time in a more surgeon-centric manner
In this eBook, learn to streamline your OR scheduling process, optimally fill open time and increase surgeon and staff satisfaction. Additionally, explore how to address:
1. Block time left unfilled
2. Missed connections between clinics and/or facilities
3. Reallocating surgeon' block time in a more surgeon-centric manner
Please fill out the form to download the eBook!