Telehealth in transit: How Cleveland Clinic achieves ED avoidance, reduced readmissions

This webinar is on-demand and can be viewed at your convenience. 

Receiving quality care from an emergency medicine physician following a 911 call is critical, but how can you bring the expertise of the physician directly to the patient without transport to the emergency department to reduce care delays and unnecessary admissions? From initial emergency dispatch and treatment in place to in-transit care, telehealth has a place in EMS care.

In this webinar, Bryan Graham, DO, medical director of the virtual emergency medicine program at Cleveland Clinic, and Chris O'Rourke, administrator of Cleveland Clinic's Emergency Services Institute, will share how the health system has scaled and grown its virtual ED model to divert unnecessary ED admissions and reduce readmissions, all while replicating emergency care in the field.

Watch the on-demand webinar to learn how Cleveland Clinic:
  • Avoided ED transports for 70 percent of patients
  • Secured buy-in from EMS agencies
    Partnered with a major wireless network operator to improve connectivity in the field
  • Staffed its program with dedicated emergency medicine physicians




Dr. Bryan Graham
Medical Director, Virtual Emergency Medicine Program, Cleveland Clinic

Chris O’Rourke
Institute Administrator, Emergency Services Institute, Cleveland Clinic