How is the surgical services market changing? Top 5 surgical services trends in 2021

Thursday, January 21st, 2021 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT

The new year promises to be one of accelerating growth and innovation.
To kick off 2021, Surgical Directions is offering insights into the top five trends affecting surgical care in the coming year.


  • Topics will cover mission-critical opportunities to recover financial performance and improve patient care.
  • We will explore the organizational, procedural and technological implications of each topic.
  • You'll be armed with the information and tools you need to achieve and/or sustain excellence in surgical service at your organization.

Join us on Jan. 21 for this important discussion.



LeslieBasham-420x600 - Molly Traverso

Leslie Basham

President & CEO, Surgical Directions

Josh Miller

Joshua Miller, MD

Medical Director, Surgical Directions

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